Until now the government still commemorates each dated May 20 as National Awakening Day. This date refers to the May 20, 1908, when the birth of the organization in a friendly gentleman Java with the Dutch colonizers named Boedhi Oetomo (BO). Many of BO is a member of Freemasonry and the Dutch accomplices. BO is also anti-nationalistic and tend willing to be the servant of the interests of colonialists. In addition to the Javanese, it is forbidden to be members of the BO.

National Awakening this nation should be BASED on the date of establishment of Syarikat Islam (SI) which has stood BO 3 years before standing. SI was founded on October 16, 1905 by Haji Samanhoedi and friends. "This is an Islamic organization the longest and oldest age of all mass organizations in Indonesia homeland," wrote KH. Firdaus AN.

In contrast to the BO which only fight for the people of Java and Madura, also only accept membership of the Javanese and Madurese, so that the managers had consisted only of the people of Java and Madura, SI is more nationalist character. SI membership is open to all people of Muslim-majority Indonesia. Therefore, the composition of the managers had consisted of various tribes such as: Haji Samanhoedi and HOS. Tjokroaminoto came from Central and East Java, Agus Salim and Abdul Moeis from West Sumatra, and AM. Sangaji of Maluku. SI has also aspire to Indonesian independence, something that was never mentioned by the BO. Thus, the National Awakening should be commemorated each dated October 16, not May 20.

The SI Congress Giants

Kongress Boedi Utomo

read: May 20 Not National Awakening Day
in http://samudra-mylove.blogspot.com
History of Indonesia Muslim movement
in http://samudra-mylove.blogspot.com

A number of important historical events and to be honestly presented to our children and grandchildren are: Ambarawa Theater, where the army of students and scholars able to drive the winner of the troops of World War II, England; 10 November 1945 Battle of the origin of Jihad Resolution NU clerics in Java in October 1945, because it was the spirit of jihad that makes people willing to die Surabaya, not the spirit of defending the others; History of Hezbollah's Army / Sabilillah who kept darkened until now when the General Soedirman rely heavily on these Islamic forces; figure General Soedirman very fanatic with Islam, so he always put the verses of jihad in every letter of his orders; Islamophobia conducted the New Order regime in 1967-1990's; and large tragedies that had befallen the Muslims of Indonesia, but now it seemed to be forgotten is the gray Eid tragedy befalling Muslims in Ambon in 1999 that spread to Ternate and Poso.

If the present government of SBY-Kalla gave his blessing arson attempt history books are not written G30S/PKI, then this government should do a rewrite the history of Indonesia is more comprehensive and honest. But this hope seems impossible to do given the currently ruling political parties of the New Order era that should have become the party banned.

Combustion event history books prove that the current repressive regime and the fascist New Order is still in power today. Head may change, but from neck to toe essentially still the same. It has failed to reform.

read: Trace Gold The Ulama: Childbirth Uterine TNI
in http://samudra-mylove.blogspot.com
read page history of Indonesia and the History of Islam
in http://samudra-mylove.blogspot.com