Historical approach to explain in terms of where the study of history was about to be done, which dimension is concerned, the elements which express, and so forth. Description and reconstruction proceeds will be largely determined by the type of approach used.
Therefore, knowledge of history did not hesitate to cross and use a variety of fields or scientific disciplines to support study and research, which in the history of science has been recognized early on and referred to as Bantu Sciences History (sciences auxiliary to history).
1. Human Approach
The study of history is always meant the study of human history. Functions and tasks of historical research is to reconstruct the past history of mankind (the human past) as it is (as it was). It should be fully aware that how cermatnya an historical research, with the task of reconstruction of such a historian would still face a number of problems that are not easy.
By providing accentuation "human history" to remind that the research and historical reconstruction should be more perspective on the whole person concept. Human beings are mentally and physically. Spiritual manifestations in the form of the intellect, taste, and the will, which becomes the source of humanity's existence, but existence in reality is only real in the physical nature. The development of the human spirit became visible in the container of religion, culture, civilization, science, art and technology.
Humans are also social and beraspek individual, unique (particular) and general (general). Both are intact (integrity), unity (entity), and the whole (totality). Historical reconstruction should also complete and thorough.
2. Approach of Social Sciences
Through this approach the social sciences have made possible the science of history is more complete understanding of the meanings of historical events. Thomas C. Cochran, for example, has implemented the concept of social roles (social role) in conducting exploration and explanation of the various attitudes, motivation and the role of American public figures in the nineteenth century. The concept of social mobility (social mobility) has proved very useful in studying various aspects of past societies.
a. Sociological Approach
Approach to sociology in the science of history, according to Max Weber, is intended as an interpretive understanding of the effort in terms of explanation (explanatory) causal of social behaviors in history. So far the social behaviors are more attached to the subjective meaning of an individual (leader or leaders), and instead of mass behavior.
Approach to sociology in the science of history produces social history. Garapannya field is very broad and diverse. Most social history is closely related to socio-economic history. Marc Bloch's writings on the French Rural History, Sartono Kartodirdjo about the Peasants' Revolt of Banten. Social classes, especially the workers, the arable fields also for the social history in the UK. Similarly, the process of social transformation with the development of social division of labor and the increasingly complex social differentiation became highly variable, and the formation of a variety of social institutions are also not escaped the social sejarwan. Themes such as: poverty, perbanditan, violence, crime can be a social history material. On the other hand such as piety, chivalry, population growth, migration, urbanization, transportsasi, welfare, and others have a lot more study and research of interest to history (Kuntowijoyo, 1993: 42-43).
b. Anthropology Approach
Anthropological approach to express the values, status and lifestyles, belief systems and patterns of life, which underlies the behavior of historical figures (Sartono Kartodirdjo, 1992: 4).
Anthropology and history have essentially the same object of study, is the man and the various dimensions of life. Only difference is more limited history of self-study to the events of the past, anthropology was more focused on cultural elements. Both disciplines can be said almost overlap, so that a prominent anthropologist, Evans-Pritchard, stated that "the History of Anthropology". The same is also mentioned by Arnold J. Toynbee (1889-1975) who states that the task of a historian is not much different from an anthropologist, is through a comparative study to study the life cycle of the community, then from each culture and civilization were drawn nature of the universal (general).
Facts that were examined from both disciplines, anthropology and history, is the same. There are three types of facts, is: artifacts, socifact, and mentifact. Facts refer to events or historical events. As a construct, a fact of history is basically as a result of a restructuring of a historical event. So artifacts as physical object is concrete and is the result artificial. As the artifacts pointed to the results of manufacturing processes that have occurred in the past. Analogous with that then socifact refers to the social events that crystallize in institutions, agencies, organizations and others. Mentifact was appointed to the product of human ideas and thoughts. All three, artifacts, socifact, and mentifact, is the product of the past or history, and can only be understood by both, anthropology and history, by tracking the process of development through history. This study clearly shows convergence and the convergence point of anthropological approaches and historical approaches.
Methodological approach is to expand the reach of anthropological study that includes history (Sartono Kartodirdjo, 1992: 156):
1). a comprehensive community life by covering the various dimensions of life as the totality of history;
2). aspects of life (economic, social, political) to include the values that underlie aspects of these lives;
3). social groups and that is one subkulturnya group identity;
4). history of art in various aspects and dimensions, and track their social cultural ties;
5). history of cultural elements: literature, senitari, fine art, architecture, etc.;
6). various lifestyles, among others: type of food, fashion, games, entertainment, work ethic, and so forth.
In short all areas of human activity can be covered in cultural history. In the political dimension of cultural history is not included in it, although according to the broad definition of political life were included in the culture.
c. Political Science Approach
Political terms can vary according to the point where looking at him. But in general the political definition regarding activities related to state and government. The focus of attention of political science, therefore, is more focused on the symptoms and the influence of society such as power, interests and political parties, decisions and policies, conflict and konsesnsus, recruitment and leadership behavior, and the voters, political culture, political socialization, and the voters , and so forth. If politics is defined as a Polity (policy), the political definition is more associated with power distribution patterns. It is also clear that the pattern of power sharing will be influenced by factors such as social, economic, and cultural. Social position, economic status, and the authority of someone's leadership can provide an opportunity to gain power.
Authority leadership has always been a key factor in the political process. Max Weber distinguishes three types of authority: (1) charismatic authority, which is based on personal influence and authority; (2) a traditional authority, namely on the basis of inheritance; and (3) rational-legal authority, which is based on the position and its ability.
Political originally formed the backbone of history. Politics is the backbone of history. This statement shows a political role in the writing of history in the past. . At present the political history seems still prominent, but not like the first sedominan. So the expression was shifted to "History is past politics, politics is present history." History is past politics, politics is the history of the present.
Political approach in the writing of history to produce a political history. Political history can use a variety of approaches in accordance with the selected topic. At least 8 (eight) kinds of approaches, although the approach to each other, overlap each other often tidih (Kuntowijoyo, 1993: 177-182). Is:
1). Intellectual history.
Basic aspirations of intellectual history is the Zeitgeist (mental age) and an idealistic view of history which argued that thoughts influence behavior. Examples of writing Herbert Feith and Lance Castle titled: Indonesian Political Thought, 1945-1965. (Jakarta: LP3ES, 1988).
2). Constitutional history.
From the constitution of a nation can be known philosophy of life, the rationale of time to build the nation, and government structures built. The constitution is also seen interest, consensus, and the concessions given to their respective interests. An example is Herbert Feith book. (1962). The Decline of Constitutional Democracy in Indonesia (Ithaca: Cornell University Press).
3). Institutional history.
The contents of the political system with a device (institutions, structures, institutions), both countries (the cabinet, the bureaucracy, parliament, military) and non-State (organizations, orsospol, NGOs). Most written about the party. Example: Ahmad Syafii Maarif. (1988). Islam and Politics in Indonesia Guided Democracy. (Yogyakarta: IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Press).
4). Behavioral history.
Is about the behavior (behavior) of state and political parties in the dissemination of ideas, recruiting leaders / members, and the implementation of political measures included in the history of behavior. Example: Clifford Geertz's writings. (1960). The Religion of Java. (Glencoe: The Free Press).
5). Comparative history.
The contents of a comparative study of political life in Indonesia. Example: writing R. William Liddle. (1972). Culture and Politics in Indonesia. (Ithaca: NY Cornell University Press).
6). Social History:
Contains the history of social groups (scholars, students, businessmen, farmers, students, and youth) with his political aspirations with the interests sesuiai. For example: Heru Cahyono. (1992). Role of Ulama in Golkar. (Jakarta: Sinar Harapan).
7). Case Studies.
Is the study of political cases. Example: Social Political Science Laboratories UI. (1997). Evaluation of the New Order elections. (Bandung: Mizan).
8). Biographical.
About political biography. Example: J.D. Legge. (1972). Sukarno: A Political Biography. (London: The Penguin Press.
3. Approach Psychology and Psychoanalysis
Using psychological approach and psychoanalytic study of history not only just able to reveal symptoms in the surface, but able to penetrate further into the spiritual life, so it can better understand human behavior and society in the past.
The first breakthrough of the most famous in applying psychology in the (depth psychology) to study the history of science conducted by Erik H. Erikson. It turned out that the concepts of identity crisis in adolescence can be used to conduct mengeksplanasi historical figures prominent. About why Martin Luther appeared as a reformer, Mahatma Gandhi became a leader of anti-violence movement (non-violence) in India, and Adolf Hitler as a tanmpil anti-Semitic, and anti-Sukarno as colonialism and imperialism, can be traced back through the analysis of life - these figures in their adolescence. Thus the history of psycho approach pioneered by Erik H Erikson has opened a new dimension in the study of history.
Psycho history approach can also be developed into the concept of social psychology (sociopsychological) to explain the behavior of a group of community members. Of course, the problem becomes increasingly complex. Richard Hostadter, for example, in the work of writing The Age of Reform (1955) attempts to explain the rise of social movements in the nineteenth and twentieth century in America. The decline in status and prestige of middle-class society in America in the twentieth century transition to encourage the appearance of the leaders of the progressive movement. They move and to fight against the newly rich industrialists and their bosses who tend to be corrupt (Allan J. Lichtman, 1978: 138).
4. Quantitative Approach
Quantitative approach is to attempt to describe natural phenomena and social with the numbers. Quantum, quantitas is Latin for number. Hence using the numbers, then the quantitative approaches require a measurement (measurement) of the levels of certain features of the observed phenomenon. Quantitative observations are working to find these characteristic, to then be measured based on the measurement criteria that have been determined. The results of measurements of the numbers that describe the quantity or quality of the degree of reality and existence of natural phenomena diukurnya. The data rate measurements of natural phenomena observed was later analyzed, the degree sought quantity, or quality, studied the relationship between the symptoms with one another, examined the impact of a phenomenon, the relationship as a result, in short, analyzed according to penelti purposes.
Quantitative approaches in research and writing of history to produce what is called the history of quantitative (quantitative history). Quantitative history first known in France around the year 1930, which began developing in 1949 and the 1950s. Study Crane Brinton (1930) on party membership Jacobins in the French revolution, Donald Greer's analysis (1935) about the victims of the Reign of Terror are essentially attempts to quantify social historiography (Harry Ritter, 1986: 351-0352).
By the 1960s, quantitative history began seeping into the United States by first taking the form of econometric history (econometric history) that was pioneered by historian Lee Benson (1957, 1961) that writing is inspired and based on applying the statistical orientation of the theory of behaviorism-dsalam social sciences-political. Several studies began to expand the use of statistical analysis, not only in ekonomu histories, political and social, but also in sejarash-cultural and intellectual history by using methods such as content analysis. Since then the works of history began decorated with graphic images, charts, tables, percentages, sometimes even entering computing Kai-squared statistic and regression.
History to the present method is more likely to use a qualitative approach. Qualitative approach should be recognized contains many weaknesses. These weaknesses are rooted in the absence of clear criteria in the preparation of instrumentation used to measure the correctness of the data and facts, and the absence of general rules, much less specific, the methods and techniques to analyze relationships between historical events, so as such in relation menganlisis , more determined by intuition and imagination reliable and truthful researchers who can not be tested empirically secarsa. Generalization history never rely on the relationship between infeerensi large population sample.
The use of quantitative approaches in the history of the method can minimize these weaknesses on the one hand, and can increase the weight in the analysis of scientific events on the other hand sejsarah. Reasoning based on order-fikir and statistical procedures at least be able to control (control) analysis and interpretation based on personal opinions. Furthermore, he thought and governance procedures in the method of historical statistics can help streamline the methodology of history in scientific tasks, is to provide an explanation (explanation), forecasting (prediction), and control (control) of symptoms or historical events. In making generalizations, therefore, historians must be more careful and in analyzing the complex causal relationships and the complex of events would no longer be properly resolved without the help of a quantitative approach. Short said the use of a quantitative approach can sharpen insights historical method.
Tagged with: History Research approach, the theory of historical approaches