Java polahe rich grain wong diinteri
endi endi sing bener sing true
of how padha ora wani
padha ngajarake piwulang wedi adi
one-one anemani starch

Javanese behavior such as grain ditampi
which is right where the original
monks dared all
afraid to convey the teachings of true
one-one can see death

ngendi flood-ana endi
njeblug mountain anjarwani tan, tan angimpeni
starch gehtinge marang kepathi-kang by starch pandhita geni
kapiyak wedi clan said wadine sing Sayekti sira

floods everywhere
mountain erupted no warning, no hint first
hate against the ascetic priest, without eating or sleeping
for fear that his secret will be revealed who you really

pancen wolak-era waliking
Amenangi crazy times
ora edan ora kumanan
sane sing pada nggagas
ditaleni pada wong tani
pada wong dora ura-ura
Beja-bejane sing lali,
Beja isih kang eling lan waspadha

real time-ganjing Gonjang
watching crazy times
do not participate can not be part crazy
healthy in mind though
handcuffed farmers
reveler liars
fortunately for those who forgot,
was lucky that remember and alert

queen ora netepi promise
Ian kuwasa musna prabawane
akeh omah ndhuwur horse
manganese pada wong wong
gligan wood padha hiya Ian wesi Hooked
feels good rich cake bread
padha wengi yen ora can turu

king did not keep promises
loss of power and authority
many homes on the horse
people eat each other
logs and iron are also eaten
he seemed nice cake
all night unable to sleep

crazy sing pada bisa dandan
padha ambangkang can sing
nggalang omah magrong-magrong Gedong

which can be dressed up crazy
who disobeyed all can
build houses, grand buildings

wong sangsaya trade goods sold, bandhane ludes
akeh wong die kaliren gisining comestible
akeh nyekel bendha ning wong uriping miserable

the trade of goods grew increasingly in demand but low wealth
many people die of hunger in addition to food
many people but his life miserable berharta

wong fairly sane uripe ngenes Ian Ian kepencil
sing ora abisa thief digethingi
duraka dadi sing pinter kanca
wong bener-thenger thenger sangsaya
wong one sangsaya bungah
akeh banda musna tan karuan larine
Ian drajat rank akeh runaway padha karuan tan sebabe

sane and fair people apprehensive and isolated life
can not steal hate
cheating so clever friend
the more honest people do not move slightly
one of the more arrogant
much property destroyed obscure running
many rank and position off without a cause

sangsaya earth shrink sangsaya suwe
sakilan earth dipajeki
wong wadon nganggo lanang User
iku pertandhane yen would nemoni
wolak-era walike

earth more and more narrow
inch of land taxable
women wearing male clothing
It would sign the
age-ganjing Gonjang

akeh wong ora promises kept
nglanggar wong sumpahe akeh botor
padha manungsa seneng ngalap,
God anindakake hukuming tan
bad stuff lifted up
sacred objects hated

many broken promises
many people violate their own oath
human love cheat
not carry out God's law
bad things cherished
sacred objects hated

wong akeh royal ngutamakake
kamanungsane lali, lali kebecikane
lali lali relatives sometimes
akeh bapa lali anak
akeh children mundhung biyung
sedulur padha cidra
padha family suspicious
kanca dadi ora
manungsa lali asale

many people spend money
forgotten humanity, forgetting the good
forgotten relatives
many fathers forget their children
many children drove her mother
between brothers lied to each other
mutual suspicion between the family
friends become enemies
people will forget his origins

ora ukuman fair queen
ignorant evil akeh rank
padha odd behavior
sing apik pada kepencil
isin manungsa akarya trim
main luwih ngapusi

the king's punishment is not fair
many of the rank, nasty and naughty
all the odd behavior
well isolated
human good actually ashamed
cheat preference

nglamar woman man
baby isih padha mbayi
padha men sing botor drajate ngasorake

women applying for a man
have young children
degrading men rank themselves

Temple 152 to 156 no (lost and damaged)

wong doll pindha food grain interi den
kebat kliwat sing, sing kasep kepleset
rame gedhe sing, sing little gawe keceklik
ketenggak arrogant sing, sing wedi padha dead
padha nanging prosperous sing nonsense
ngati sing-ati pada kepati sambat-starch

behavior of people searching for food such as grain ditampi
who quickly found, a slow slip
large troop made a little pinch
a proud look, a fear of actually dying
Instead, the inconsequential but prosperous
a cautious half-dead complain

china reed keplantrang dibandhem nggendring
Java spat sing pada eling
Miling sing eling tan-Miling
mlayu-rich thieves hit mlayu pointing
eling mulih padha manjing
akeh wong injir, akeh centhil
ora eman sing keduman
keduman sing ora eman

china shelter because throw away rushed
come aware of the Javanese
is not aware of anxiety
bak running catch thieves who accused
who remained despised
many people are lazy, many of the coquettish
which unfortunately do not miss out
which can no longer care section

selete yen selet-mbesuk ngancik tutuping years
Wolu sinungkalan god, queen ngasta manggalaning
ana god would ngejawantah
apengawak manungsa
Krishna bethara padha apasurya
awatak Balarama
trident agegaman Wedha
jinejer wolak-era waliking
wong nyilih mbalekake,
wong debt mbayar
lives life to pay debt
wirang debt nyaur wirang

no later than one day before the closing years
(sinungkalan god Wolu, ngasta manggalaning queen)
there will be a god appearing
human body
Batara berparas like Krishna
character as Balarama
armed trident Wedha
marks the arrival of the changing times
the loan return,
people in debt to pay
lives life to pay debt
debt is paid shame shame

ana sadurunge cubeb tetenger extensive latitude
ngalu-ana south ngalu wetan tumanja bener
lawase pitung bengi,
interspace esuk bener ilange
bethara solar njumedhul
bebarengan Mungkur prihatine sing wis-kelantur manungsa lantur
iku tandane Indra's son wus Bethara katon
ing tumeka Java arcapada ambebantu wong

previously there was a southern cross
very long right in the south to the East
duration of seven nights
loss before the morning
with the emergence of Batara Surya
bebarengan with the loss of human misery protracted
That's a sign of Indra's son appears Batara
come on earth to help the people of Java

redi sikil ana dunungane Lawu sisih wetan
wetane river banyu
Raden andhedukuh Ghatotkacha pindha
dara tundha Arupa three pagupon
rich manungsa angleledha

originally from the foot of Mount Lawu East
east river
homeless as Raden Ghatotkacha
a pigeon house apartment three
such an intriguing man

akeh wong dicakot lemut dead
wong akeh ants disappeared dicakot
swara akeh weird without a way
bala spirits padha prewangan line, on line benere seized
visible tan, tan Arupa
madhegani sing putrane Bethara Indra
trident agegaman Wedha
Nayaka dadi momongane war padha
perange without reinforcements
magic mandraguna without aji-aji

many people bitten by mosquitoes,
dead ants bite people, dead
many strange sounds with no way
ghost forces are equally marching, fighting the right lines
invisible shapeless
who led the son Batara Indra,
armed with a trident Wedha
the officer may adopt a war
if the war without troops
sakti mandraguna without talisman

Prang apeparap pangeraning
tan pokro anggoning nyandhang
ning can nyembadani yes rentenging complicated sakpirang-blonde wong
Worshipers sing pada ndhaplang RecA,
china eling kalih pinaringan seh seh word-gidrang hiya gidrang

the title of prince of war
seem inappropriate dress
but can overcome the complexities of many
who worship the statue lying
China recalled a temperature-temperature and obtain the order, then jump fear

swargi Kinasih son ing mountain jumeneng kang Lawu
hiya yayiz bethara mukti, Kris Hiya, hiya herumukti
sakabehing competent behavior
nugel land kaping Java pindho
devil jin ngerahake
prewangan kumara, the command lelembut down saeko proyo
Java kinen padha ambantu manungso trident asesanti Vedic
holy landhepe triniji
bener, jejeg, honest
Noyogenggong Ian kadherekake Sabdopalon

beloved son of the deceased who lived in Mount Lawu
namely Kyai Batara Mukti, O Krishna, O Herumukti
control the whole teaching (lmu)
cut the ground the second time Java
mobilize jinns and devils
all spirits are united under the command
help people of Java are based on Vedic trident
sharp holy trinity nan
right, straight, honest
accompanied Sabdopalon and Noyogenggong

Sura pendhak kumara nguntapa
kang wus katon through dosane
the power kadhepake ngarsaning
east isih tuwa kaceluk wong
paringane Ghatotkacha sayuta

Sura embrace each month kumara
who had looked atone
before the Higher Power
young parents have been called
legacy Ghatotkacha million

idune idu geni
sabdane Malati
mbregendhul sing to die
ora Tuwo, eNom padha baby dene
wong ora bae ndayani what nyuwun mesthi sufficiency
Word line dina gentalan ora,
Beja-sing bejane setya sure Ian tuhu sabdanira
tan wong sak sinuyudan intention of Java
nanging picky inung said

saliva spit fire
his saying sakti (proven)
which denied certain death
old people, young and babies
people who do not have anything helpless must be fulfilled
his saying lines will not be long
fortunately for those who believe and trust and obey his saying
do not want to respect people of Java as
but only a select few only

pindha clairvoyant god
can nyumurupi lahire mbahira, buyutira, canggahira
born pindha together sadina
ora can be maca diapusi clan ati
Wasis, wegig, clairvoyant,
sakdurunge understand winarah
can pirsa mbah-mbahira
Java angawuningani age jantraning
Siji-garise understand people sijining
Tan kewran age sasuruping

good at predicting such as gods
can see the birth of my grandfather, great-grandfather and your canggah
as if born at the same time
can not be deceived because it can read the contents of the liver
wise, careful and powerful
understood before something happens
know your ancestors
understand the wheels of Java era
understand the life line of every race
do not worry ingested age

upadinen den sinatriya first iku
wus abapa tan, tan aunt, lola
Vedic awus Java aputus
angandelake may trident
trident landheping top
utawa starch debt gegawe lives
sing the envious gawe kapitunaning liyan
fringes sing starting colong njupuk winanda

therefore find that knight
orphan, no sib
Vedic graduated Java
only guided by trident
trisulanya very sharp edge
lead to death or life in debt
the middle of abstinence do harm to others
that the left and right reject the theft and crime

envious den wenehi
ati Malati could kesiku
senenge anggodha anjejaluk way nistha
iku try ngertiyo yen
aja kaino
Beja-bejane ana sing den pundhuti
ateges jantrane kaemong sira sebrayat

abstinence when given
liver can be affected by the curse die
enjoyed teasing and get in abject
know that it was only a test
do not be insulted
There are advantages to being asked
it means your family is protected

ing ngarsa Begawan
dudu pandhita sinebut pandhita
dudu sinebut god god
dene rich manungsa
dudu kajawaake power seje kanti jlentreh
goal-the goal light ndrandhang

before Begawan
not a priest called pastor
not a god called god
but human
no other power is explained clearly
the shadows into bright

gumun aja, aja ngungun
hiya iku putrane Bethara Indra
kang pambayun isih kuwasa tour nundhung devil
brajamusti separated tumurune rich tirta ngundhuh
Siji iki kang hiya can Paring navigation
marang kalaningsun term jarwane
tan kena den apusi
clan can manjing jroning ati
ana manungso kaiden meet
ana creature sing uga durung mangsane
aja aja envious deck
iku dudu wektunira
nganggo symbol queen without makutha
enggala wins first den sing leluri
aja partnership madhepa den kendhata age marikelu
Beja-bejane children putu

do not be surprised, do not be confused
Batara Indra's son
the oldest and still the power of casting out demons
brajamusti broken water fall splashing
only one who can give clues
about the meaning and the meaning of my predictions
can not be deceived
being able to enter into the heart
there are people who can meet
but there are people who have not the time
do not be jealous and disappointed
It's not your time
wearing the symbol of a queen without a crown
because it is found immediately respect,
do not get lost, dutifully Face
luck was on our children and grandchildren

dalan iki sing eling lan kanggo alert
ing time kalabendu Java
aja ngleluri dalem nglarang god apengawak wong
Braja saka ludhes cures jelma kumara
aja-aja kleru pandhita samusana
trident larinen Wedha pandhita asenjata
iku hiya god pinaringaning

this is the way for the recall and alert
at the time of Java kalabendu
do not respect the ban in the form of a god
that prevents the whole family will depart
do not be mistaken for gods
trident seek armed god Wedha
god's gift

nglurug without reinforcements
tan win ngasorake yen liyan
subjects pada suka-suka
wus adiling clan prince teka
Worshipers ratune subjects
trident angagem Wedha
hiya pandhita padha the worship
hiya momongane leg iku Sabdopalon
sing wis wirang nanging kondhang contest
njingglang Kanthi genaha kacetha
nora ana wong ngresula less
hiya iku wis tandane kalabendu Minger
centi Wektu jejering kalamukti
universe indering Andayani
padha asung bhekti

attacked without troops
If winning does not insult the other
reveler people
because justice the Almighty has arrived
people worship the king
armed with a trident Wedha
the priests also in worship
that charge Sabdopalon
who had the embarrassment but the famous
everything looks bright
no one complained shortage
That's sign of the times was over kalabendu
change glorious era
strengthening the universe order
respect all the high