Ideology which contains the values used by the public as a guide for running a life together in order to achieve the expectations aspire together. The values which then form the ideology can be derived from customs and can also come from a religious doctrine, or a combination of both. The function of this ideology is a conceptual reference that gives coherence to the political action. Ideology plays a role in embedding relationship mindset and behavior. Political Ideology is an application of particular moral preceptions to collectivities.
Political ideology includes (1) behavior based on a value or norm which then affect the political actors in ekspesi ideological expression, (2) activities in the aspirations of influential on the attitudes and actions of political actors to influence the policies of state authorities and (3 ) to influence the people on religious values as the main orientation in every area of life.
In social science, political ideology is a set of ideas and principles that explain how society should work, and offers a summary of certain public order. Political ideology is usually about themselves with how to manage power and how it should be implemented. The theory of communist Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and their followers, often known as Marxism, regarded as the most influential political ideology and is described fully in the 20th century. Examples of other ideologies including: anarchism, capitalism, communism, communitarianism, conservatism, liberalism, Christian democracy, fascism, monarkisme, nationalism, Nazism, liberalism, libertarianism, socialism, and social democrats.
Does the originator of political ideology or ideological followers are aware of doing an action or movement / motion in both the dissemination of ideas to the political movement that took power in order to manage power in accordance with the ideology dianutnya. This is an ideology which later became the driving force or a movement known as a political movement. A political movement is a group or groups who want to make any changes in political institutions or to create a new public administration at all, by using political means. Destination fundamental political movements (basic) and ideological.
Referring to the idea of Indonesia's first president, Sukarno, at least there are three political ideologies that dominate Indonesian society, the Nationalists, Muslims and Marxists. So in the historical development of the Indonesian Nation movement, identity politics ideology was born and developed along with the birth and development of a modern organization for the struggle activator release belengguh Dutch colonization, so that the organization that was born of modern politics can not be separated with a political ideology that characterized his political identity. Syarekat birth of Islam (1911/1912) has shades of Muslim political identity brought Islamic ideology, the Communist Party of Indonesia / PKI (1920) explicitly brought Communism as an ideology born of ideology and nationalism developed after the establishment of the Indonesian Nationalist Party (PNI) in 1927.
When speaking on the level of the motivation and orientation of any political movement which despite its ideological differences, the "dhohiriyah" birth of a political organization in the twentieth century have the same desire that is fighting for a freedom, freedom from Dutch rule.
The existence of this same desire to encourage some components freedom fighters to unite the power of political ideology that developed at that time. Efforts to mengunifikasi Nationalist ideology, Islam and Marxism recorded in the writings of Sukarno in Indonesia Suluh Young in 1926 to rationalize that nationalism, Islam and Marxism have similar interests is against capitalism and Western imperialism. Previously, Tan Malaka spoke to Communism (as a manifestation of Marx's thought by Lenin) is not hostile to pan-Islamism, because of the common vision in the resistance against the capitalist. A Marxist speech was delivered at the Indonesia Fourth Congress of the Communist International (Comintern) on November 12, 1922.
Differences line ideology that became the basic principle of the struggle is not necessarily with a common mission of the struggle, Sukarno initiated unification or desired hand together Tan Malaka was realized. This is why the history in the end not "linear" and "congruent". History does not become a unified action and the motion because it shows the fact that the line of a different political ideology gave birth to the actions of a political nature were different. So that trace the history of recorded shows later trace the history of the "complex", "not linear", and "not independent".
If we generalize the history of Indonesia in the first half-century in the twentieth century, without considering the motion of a political ideology which becomes the motor pengerak the present struggle is now popular movement history Indonesia. But if we sort out the popular movement in Indonesia that the three ideologies become a political force the Indonesian people will be born in an objective history of the three schools (1). History of the Islamic Movement of Indonesia, (2). History of Communist Movement of Indonesia and (3). History of Indonesia's National Movement.
Apart from the analysis, interpretation, or opinion presepsi of Indonesian history in any time period during the twentieth century in particular, is a historical fact undeniable reality, will not be deleted, can not straight or dilurus-dibengkok-bekok because facts are facts. While the analysis, interpretation, or opinion presepsi built or based on facts merekontruksi history and birth history of the so-called writing history is the study, insight, and understanding of history that continue to experience renewal and reform in line with the development of the "science of history" which became a tool for explaining history.
Birth of the history of the schools that provide "accentuation" of historical writing in one of the political ideology that was born and grew up in Indonesia if the country is Islamic, Communists or the Nationalists is the wealth of Indonesian history. Only love Indonesia's biggest obstacle is the fragility of understanding of the importance of history as a part of growing community needs.
After all history is important. Inside was the foundation of existence, dignity, pride, criticism, and the reason for introspection. Jobs chronicler, if interpreted as an independent profession disandangkan on academic historian, can be changed on a more modest sense. Framework as a basis for strengthening civil authority in a democracy requires respect for the institution remains independent who was born from the womb of civil society has its own dynamics. So that any regime change, people will always want to write history with the self.
So let history speak ....
Tagged with: Articles History, philosophy of history, the history function, Science History, Islam and Political Power of Political Ideology in Historical Performance Movement of the Indonesian nation, upholding Islam, Political Islam, Political History
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